Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Doing it Rochonette Style!

Over the past week and a half, I've had the time of my life in the great city of Dallas, Texas. Experiencing the Romance Writers of America's National Conference for the first time as a published author was even better than I had anticipated. What made it even better is the fact that I had a plethora of friends who flew in from around the country and around the world to celebrate my first sale at RWA.

To kick off the RWA Conference there is a huge book signing. Over 450 authors join in to help fight literacy. I've attended nearly a half dozen of these, and have dreamed of the day when I could actually sign my own book at the signing. Believe it or not, I've always felt a bit of trepidation over the signing. You see, I've walked up and down that room trying my hardest to avoid contact with those authors who had no one at their table. I did not want to find myself in the same situation.

I had nothing to worry about.

The great group of women I am so proud to call my very dear friends came through for me in a HUGE way. The Rochonettes, as we call ourselves, were the talk of the signing (well, except for Sherrilyn Kenyon's lovely swan hat). I was never without a person at my table. In fact, I had a fairly deep line at one point. Cool, yes? The ladies in red made a huge splash.

Here are just a few scenes from the RWA Literacy Signing.

A picture of my tiny little spot at the table. Beautiful, isn't it?

Here's Cheryl! She was just one of the many women who helped me to celebrate at RWA.

My fellow Louisiana Girls!

My bestest cousin in the world, Dana! I bunked out at Dana's crib for five days before joining everyone at the conference. She would be a great window shopping buddy, if she understood the concept of window shopping. I'll just give Citibank Dana's number when they come a'callin.

Don't worry. There are LOTS more pictures to come. There is just no way I can fill you in on the mega love and support I had over the past week.

How about you? Have you ever had family members or friends come through for you in a really big way?