Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mission Accomplished

Way back in 2005, I embarked upon a new journey. I'd taken the journey before, with different people who all had different personalities, struggles, and goals in life. Each journey has taken me in a new direction, but all have been fun times.

Of course, I'm talking about writing a book, a journey I hope to take many, many more times. I'm just hoping it happens at a faster pace. Yet, I still rejoice, because after nearly two years, I am finally finished the second book in my Holmes Brothers series (titled Toby's Book on my computer...hmmm...maybe a "Name Toby's Book" contest is in order). It's been a bumpy ride, to say the least. I've changed jobs several times, weathered Hurricane Katrina, contemplated joining the circus, and ultimately, found my writing mojo and finished the book.

Now comes the hard part: Selling it! *grumble, grumble* *sigh, sigh*

When you read Deliver Me (I know every single one of you out there are clamouring for it), you'll meet all three Holmes Brothers: Alexander, Elijah and Tobias. I'm hoping I put in enough hints about both Toby and Alex that everyone will want to know their stories, too.

I'm satisfied that I finally know Toby's story. I must admit, it's a good one. :)

Onto the next book!