For those who missed it...
The Farrah Rochon NewsletterDecember 2006
Christmas Day has passed, and now it's time to get ready for the big New Year celebration. I'm planning to spend New Year's Eve cheering the New Orleans Saints to victory over the Carolina Panthers. Go Saints!!!
Anyone out there making resolutions? Looking back over the resolutions I made at this time last year, there were quite a few that fell by the wayside (that whole losing weight thing gets me every year). However, there was one resolution that I fulfilled...I sold a book!
There are just a couple of things to cover this time around:
1. Two months to go
2. Deliver Me available for pre-order on Amazon!
3. Another surprise contest!
4. Google Me!
Two months to go!
In just two short months, the love story between Dr. Monica Gardner and Dr. Elijah Holmes will be released to the masses. I've been knowing these characters for three years now, and I'm so excited that others will get to meet them. I have the countdown to the release of Deliver Me on my website. Be sure to check it out!
Pre-order Deliver Me on Amazon!
Deliver Me is now available for pre-order on And remember, if you spend $25 or more on Amazon, shipping is free!!! So, buy a copy for yourself and a friend. And another friend. The book is only $6.99. You can go crazy and buy copies for the entire neighborhood. Okay, maybe not the entire neighborhood, but it is a great way to make friends. :) Click here Deliver Me
Another Surprise Contest!
I wonder how many of you will actually be surprised when I announce another winner next month for these "surprise" contests. Anyway, to commemorate Deliver Me finally being available on Amazon, a lucky member of my mailing list can pre-order her copy of Deliver Me with the $10.00 gift certificate to she just won. And the lucky winner is...Ka'Leyon Young of Louisiana! Congratulations Ka'Leyon!
Google Me!
Lastly, if you're sitting at work without much to do, Google Farrah Rochon. You'll see that I'm popping up in tons of places. I was recently added to the Road to Romance ( website. Check out my page in their First Timers Club.
Well, that’s it. Have a safe, healthy and happy New Year’s Eve celebration. Here’s to an exciting 2007!
Until next time,
Farrah Rochon