Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tweeting on Twitter

Many moons ago, my friend and publicist Tara of TaraMetBlog encouraged me to start "tweeting" on Twitter. I had no idea what a Twitter was, and resisted. But over the course of the last year and a half, I've heard more and more about this Twitter thing.

This past week, at my local RWA meeting, the resident self-proclaimed computer nerd of the group, Sique Keller, gave a workshop on Twitter, FaceBook, and the other social networking sites out there on the internet. After much debate inside my own little brain that really doesn't have room for debate these days, I decided to step out on a limb and start tweeting.

You can now follow me on Twitter.

Totally unrelated, but still super cool, RESCUE ME just received an awesome review on Fresh Fiction! Check it out!